General Category > Electric/Hybrid Car Conversion

VEC500 acceleration and other values

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Did a test run yesterday and need to change some values.

Can someone explain the formulas you get when pi-800.exe does not accept your values.
For me it wount allow me to enter "Speed Settings" "Acceleration (rpm/s)" more than 800 and gives error message displaying formula containing letters ÜxÜ.
If I hover mouse over description it gives me that I can enter value between 100-1200.

Actually I would like to put infinity there, so that my acceleration is as fast as possible but 1200 is also better than 800, what I have right now.



Are you suggesting that your motor currently accelerates just as fast when you're driving the kart as it does when the wheels are off the ground and there is no load on it?
If so, you will need to email David who works for GM China and see if he can come up with a solution to the poor acceleration.
His email address is:

It would be interesting to know how much higher the acceleration (and deceleration) settings on the controller can be set.


No, wheels off ground it accelerates very fast, almoust instantly to max rpm.
Wheels down acceleration depends of gear ration and vechicle weight.
I just wanted to know why it says in description that allowed values are 50-1200 but gives me an error when I enter more than 800.
If you click on "Acceleration (rpm/s)" tekst then program shows bubble for allowed values. Program does it almoust with every setting.

And second question is, what formula it shows when it gives an error? Maybe I do not have some fonts and thats why I see that "Ü" letters.

PS! does anyone know how can I monitor controller when it is in use? It should have bluetooth?
In here it is written that:
Provide PC software(GUI) to program motor and control parameters to fine tune the drive system.
·Operating status can be monitored in real-time <- how can I do it?


This software is used for many different controllers and tends to update the available parameters according to the controller it is connected to.

Perhaps the programmer inadvertently forgot to update the pop up text to match the available parameters?

I suspect it is just a font/language problem just like the error message displayed when you initially try to connect:

You may need to contact David again regarding the available connectivity of that particular controller and real time monitoring.


Drived again today and after 10min of intensive driving controller cuts off power. After releasing throtlle it works again for 5 sec. Controller was hot about 60 degrees celcius from aluminium part. Also the led blinked 14 times and there is nothing written in manual about 14 times blinking. After 10 min the controller cooled a little off and we could drive 3 more laps and the same thing again.
As charging takes 1h then it cools off after that time. But it was 4degrees of celsius outside, in summer there will be 25degrees :)

Was thinking of installing extra sink under the controller, 20cm to 20cm and 5 cm thick with ribbons and put 3pcs of coolers.
Do somebody have opened this controller and could tell how well the cooling is made inside?


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