Here is my guess at what happened.
I suspect that you had too much regenerative voltage going into the controller and you toasted the flyback diodes and or the FETs. Explanation: In electronics that use FETs, it is very common to use flyback diodes to prevent ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) from burning up the semiconductor junctions. In devices with inductive loads such as motor controllers, diodes (or similar semiconductor devices) are also used to shunt the back EMF (Electromotive Force) to prevent the FETs from being burned up due to excessive source to drain voltage. Your 24V motor controller has FETs that are probably designed to operate up to a maximum voltage that is somewhere in the 30's--for example 35V max. They probably have zener diodes across their drain to source junctions that are designed to conduct just below 35V--for example 34V. These diodes don't turn on (conduct) until they see a voltage that is greater than 34V. This is the first half of the equation. BTW, FETs are the electronic switches used in motor controllers to connect the battery to the motor windings.
The second half of the equation is your motor. Motors as I’m sure you are well aware convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. The opposite is a generator, which converts mechanical energy into electrical. It just so happens that motors and generators are really the same types of devices, just optimized for their specific task. So, motors can and are used as generators. Your motor on your bike, when not pulling you, is acting as a generator. It has the ability to generate voltage as high as its max operating voltage (24V) when spinning at it its designed speed, and much higher when spinning much faster than its max designed speed. I suspect that your 60kph to 80kph decent generated sufficient voltage to cause the controller’s zeners to conduct. When zeners conduct, they are like a piece of wire with a very small voltage drop. These diodes were shorting the windings of the motor, which produces a large braking force.
However, the small diodes that are in the motor controller can only dissipate the braking energy for a short period of time before they overheat and burn up. They can fail to a shorted state, as opposed to an open state but they can fail open too. Long story short, (no pun intended ;-)), they may not have protected the FETs.
You’re probably asking why the motor controller failed when it was turned off. The answer is that turning off the motor controller does not disconnect the electronics from the motor; it only disconnects the battery from the controller so that that controller is no longer trying to commutate the motor and the FETs are not trying to conduct. However, the motor is still generating voltage and the diodes and FETs are still electrically connected to the motor.
For speedy descents without motor braking it is necessary to disconnect the motor for the controller. Simply unplugging the motor from the controller is the fastest solution with the least amount of work but is not necessarily the most elegent.
That’s my guess.