Hello Yao!
Yes, in fact a pair of complete disk brake sets (disk and actuator) did not came, the package was intact (I'll talk about the package later on the review) and the "bubble plastic" does not had any opening, so was not an transportation problem, just was not in the package.
Anyway, I've talked to Echo, and there is no problem with this, you can send me it later on the wholesale order to come. For now I'm very happy with the quality, the problems I find, I'll detail tomorrow on the review. Just use it for something like 5km, without all the functions enabled.
This is the photo album for this test kit:
http://picasaweb.google.com.br/brunofporto/MagicPieTestKit?authkey=Gv1sRgCODfiIXslNPCqwE&feat=directlinkYAO, please, do not use this photos yet, wait me to complete the small visual details, and then I'll send you personally a good photo without the masking tape holding the wires
This tape is temporary just to test the positioning, etc.
ps.: People, tomorrow (now is almost 5am and I need to sleep
) I'll post the first part of the review: First impressions.
Later I'll do more tests, open the battery pack, test it with the watt meter, etc etc.
For now I can just say that:
Quality - Very good first impression, everything looks good. I have a good feeling about bad plastics and I felt that all the components are of very good quality material.
Installation - After the hardware, the electric part takes 3 minutes, REALLY. PLUG &PLAY, really nice!
Package - I was waiting for something more clean and professional, but was very well protect and I asked to put even the battery on the same box.
Manual - Very good quality, but lack important details and have wrong information about features (like anti-theft systems we all know from the other post)
Fun - A LOT OF FUN and it was for just 5km...
More to come. Tomorrow, sorry!!!